This is the first installment in a series of posts that I will call "Close-Up". This will feature tools that I use to make my manicuring life easier and maybe yours, too!
Today I will be showcasing the HandsDown Ultra Table Towels:
This item can be found online or in many beauty supply stores around the country.
I was tired of using paper towels because they would always slip around on my work surface and if I was using a fan, even blow away.
"Featuring a soft absorbent material on one side with a plastic backing on the other, lint-free HANDSDOWN® Ultra Protective Barrier Towels are perfect for manicures and pedicures, and durable enough for wiping and cleaning brushes."
These table towels are heavier in weight than a paper towel and because they are backed with plastic, when spills happen no damage is done to your work space. This is the ultimate in having that salon-feel at home.
Hope this this information comes in handy and finds you "well-polished"!
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